Episode 75: Gynandomorphism in birds with Dr. Hamish Spencer

Episode 75: Gynandomorphism in birds with Dr. Hamish Spencer

The sex of a bird – whether it is male or female – is one of the most critical aspects of its biology. Males and females often behave differently, especially during the breeding season, and in many species, they have strikingly different plumages. This episode features Hamish Spencer, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Otago in...

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Episode 74: A pigeon’s nest at home and its ripple effects

Episode 74: A pigeon’s nest at home and its ripple effects

When a pigeon comes into the house. This is a controversial episode.  In fact, I am pretty sure nobody in the nature groups that I am part of will approve of this.  In fact, they may even condemn this episode.  Because you see, it is about pigeons, which birders call flying pests. But here’s what happened and so, if you listen or...

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Episode 72: Birding in Mauritius

Episode 72: Birding in Mauritius

This episode is about birding in Mauritius.  This pearl of the Indian Ocean is home to 156 species of birds, many of which are endemic like the Mauritius pink pigeon, black bulbul, kestrel, grey white eye, olive white eye, pardise flycatcher and the fody.  There are also native birds such as the striated heron, Mascarene swallows and...

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Episode 71: The biodiverse splendour of Bhutan

Episode 71: The biodiverse splendour of Bhutan

This episode is about Bhutan: carbon-negative, Buddhist and a pioneer in sustainable tourism. This tiny country, about the size of Switzerland contains 774 species.  In comparison, neighbouring India— nearly ten times the size— has just 1200 species. Here we talk to Namgay Tshering a freelance birding guide about the birds of Bhutan. ...

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Episode 69: The Resplendent Quetzal of Costa Rica

Episode 69: The Resplendent Quetzal of Costa Rica

In this episode, we explore one of the most beautiful birds in the world: the Resplendent Quetzal. In June 2023, I spent a week in Costa Rica, one of the most diverse countries in the world.  Although I didn’t plan for it, I ended up seeing a resplendent quetzal, which some say is the most beautiful bird in the world.  What happened to...

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Episode 68: Delhi birds with Sudhir Vyas

Episode 68: Delhi birds with Sudhir Vyas

Delhi and its neighbourhood, with its variety of habitats and landscapes, is remarkable for the wealth and diversity of its avifauna. It is a true haven for bird lovers, home to an astonishing array of over 470 captivating bird species. Get ready for an enchanting adventure with Sudhir Vyas's delightful book, "The Birds of the Delhi Area," which...

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