by Shoba Narayan | Jan 16, 2022 | Species
Our guest today is Dr. James Christopher Haney, a conservation biologist, wildlife researcher, and author of more than 250 peer-reviewed journal articles, technical reports, and science summaries. His career trajectory spans the arc of conservation and extinction and we are going to talk about both these topics today.
by Shoba Narayan | Jan 2, 2022 | Destination
About shoebills, turacos, ostriches and other Uganda birds Our guest today is Judith Mirembe who is currently based in Uganda. Judith is a bird guide and researcher with a passion for birds, keen on their conservation as well as protection of their habitats....
by Shoba Narayan | Dec 18, 2021 | Species
This episode is about the magnificent migration of the Amur Falcons, the largest raptor migration in the world. It is 4:30 AM on a cold day in November. A group of us from Bangalore are driving from Dimapur to Hakhezhe, Nagaland to observe a spectacle like...
by Shoba Narayan | Nov 7, 2021 | Destination, Issue
This episode features two senior conservation specialists from Audubon: Aurelio Ramos and Gloria Lentijo. They talk about Audubon’s new strategies in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Canada. This hemispheric approach stems from the recognition that the...
by Shoba Narayan | Oct 2, 2021 | News, Person
Jonathan Franzen is arguably America’s greatest living fiction writer. He has won numerous accolades and awards. His latest book, Crossroads, is just out. Like many of his novels, it has little to do with his other passion. As Jonathan says in this...