Episode 35: Talking waterbirds with Gopi Sundar

Episode 35: Talking waterbirds with Gopi Sundar

Our guest today is Dr. Gopi Sundar, who heads the international ecological journal, Waterbirds.  He is also a scientist in the cranes and wetlands program at the Nature Conservation Foundation (NCF) based in Udaipur.  Gopi has worked on waterbirds for over three decades, particularly on the Sarus Cranes of Uttar Pradesh.  In this...

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Episode 34: Amazing Bird Species: Brahminy Kite

Episode 34: Amazing Bird Species: Brahminy Kite

There is this bird that my mother watches.  When it comes down, she says Garuda, garuda.  And does a namaste. This bird is called the Brahminy kite. Haliastur indus.  But is this bird really the Garuda that Hindus worship? That is the bird of Indonesia– after which its airline, Garuda Indonesia is named? We find out in this short...

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Episode 33: Birds of Nagaland with Angulie Meyase

Episode 33: Birds of Nagaland with Angulie Meyase

In this short 3-minute episode, we are talking about the amazing birds of Nagaland with Angulie Meyase, a birding guide based in Khonoma, one of the most picturesque towns of Nagaland. He describes many of the birds you can see in Nagaland including the gray sibia, great barbet, assam laughing thrush, crested finchbill, green cochoa, purple...

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Episode 32: Hornbills in Valparai

Episode 32: Hornbills in Valparai

This episode is about hornbills in Valparai.  About human wildlife conflict and other things.  But mostly about hornbills. Valparai in the South Indian state of Tamilnadu is verdant and beautiful.  Entire slopes of these gently undulating mountains are covered with tea.  It is in this landscape that the great Indian hornbill likes to play....

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Episode 30: Birding Uganda with Judith Mirembe

Episode 30: Birding Uganda with Judith Mirembe

About shoebills, turacos, ostriches and other Uganda birds Our guest today is Judith Mirembe who is currently based in Uganda.  Judith is a bird guide and researcher with a passion for birds, keen on their conservation as well as protection of their habitats. This passion stems back from when she was a kid where she learnt birds in her local...

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Episode 29: The flight of the Amur Falcons

Episode 29: The flight of the Amur Falcons

This episode is about the magnificent migration of the Amur Falcons, the largest raptor migration in the world. It is 4:30 AM on a cold day in November.  A group of us from Bangalore are driving from Dimapur to Hakhezhe, Nagaland to observe a spectacle like nothing we’ve seen before: the greatest raptor migration on earth. Here is written...

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